Sunday, January 18, 2009

first post (the post that hurts the most)

Dear You,

Maybe it's just me but these sorts of posts always, always feel awkward. You have no one reading what you're writing, you don't know what to write about, and then the few other people you know who have blogs on the same site will post saying that they're glad you're here because there's almost nothing to comment on in the actual blog itself.

So, to get this over with so that I can start blogging properly in the next few days, I'm going to tell whoever is reading this what I intend to blog about.


Whatever I fancy blogging about, in fact. Which will be a welcome relief from the Myspace blogging format that I'm stuck in currently where as soon as you stray from the topic of your feelings, everyone tells you to move it somewhere else.

Expect something incredibly useless sometime in the next few days, and in the meantime:

Why not find out if you like the cut of my jib?

Love, CK


Jackster said...

"Proper blogging" does not exist. Just go for whatever feels right. The blogosphere doesn't judge, right? ;)

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

In the seventh heaven Reborn Year[url=],[/url] everybody under the sun! :)