Monday, March 30, 2009


Dear You,
I know what I want to do with the rest of my life; the only problem is reaching the goal that's been hanging before me for years now. Is the goal unreachable?

I first knew that I wanted to pursue a career in the Performing Arts when I was in Grade 10. I was extremely nervous for my first Drama assessment, but as soon as the performance started, this incredible feeling of calm and tranquility washed over me. Here, at last, I had found something I could bury myself in with all that viguor; something I could truly and really live for.

Some people don't understand how I can possibly feel this way about something they may not believe I'm good at. The truth is that with ever piece I do, I come to understand myself a little bit more. When I review each piece later on film, I come to see how I can improve - how I have improved on past performances.

The reality is that there is a slim chance of me making a life for myself in this career (especially since I refuse to turn to teaching Drama - personally, it would seem a little too much like failure). If I was a good daughter I would quit now and ease the constant worry my parents have for me. How will I pay the rent? I don't know. Probably waiting tables. But as long as there is an entertainment industry, I will hunger to be a part of it.

When I look down the line, I sometimes wonder if I will ever be satisfied? I think not. There will always be something new to nourish and hone. I would love to try directing (one day) and set design, yes... maybe one day I'll finally have a completed script. But overall, I think, I will always come back to acting.

I love to disect characters; I love to analyse them. What would they say? How would they think? Admittedly, this gets me in trouble a lot when my opinion completely differs to another actor or director's opinion but I always try to keep a sliver of my experience in the role.

I love the diversity of the Arts, and I think this diversity is something I will always love. In conclusion, I think I am an excellent choice for your Work Experience Program, and I hope that you think so too.

Love, Me

Images from my recent Year 12 assessment piece, Turn A Blind Eye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have presence darling. Do I look like that when I act? I hope so - it's captivating. Waiting tables or bar tending is not shameful when you make sure you are doing what you love. Do it. Have you ever considered something other than acting but still theatre wise? Part of me wants to design costumes and sets because I'm far too shy to act.